Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Washi Tape stand

Just like most crafters I am in love with Washi tape.  I have rolls laying around my space and rolling on the floor.  Today, while sitting in my finance's racing shop I had an idea.  Here I am surrounded by all kinds of metal and in love with a master fabricator, ding ding, light bulb!!  I can have something original fabricated!!  Now my washi tape stand is real.  

 He painted it flat black but I wanted to Jazz it up so I used Zebra Washi Tape and ta-da!  I am already trying to think up more storage tools he can fab for me..

Be Happy and live loud.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mini Albums and Scrappin' in the City.

Good Afternoon!!

I wanted to give some blogger real estate to Scrappin' in the City.  If  you are in the  East Tennessee area you should visit the City Chicks!  They Rock.  I often call SITC my happy place.  I enjoy shopping there but I love taking classes with the City Chicks.  Check out the class calendar on their website,  They have a wide variety of paper crat related classes, they have all day crops and cozy retreats.  Sara Preston and her City Chicks make me feel welcome every time visit.  

Last night's class was one of my new favs.  The 5 and dime mini album using the Farm House Paper Company's product line.  It was a real 'walk down memory lane' kind of book.  I have taken a few photos to share with you but they don't reflect just how vintage and sweet this book looks.

I just fell in love with the front cover.  The stacked chip board pieces give it depth and dimension.  The memorabilia style of the book brings back memories of hot rods, drive ins and cruising with friends on Saturday night.  I haven't decided what pictures will call the album home but you can bet there will be cars.

   The book, itself is quite sturdy.  
It will hold up no matter how many times we look through its pages.

The paper patterns and the embellishments worked perfect.

This is only a sampling of the pages. 
 Each one has little surprises and different uses of the themes colors. 

If you love paper craft projects check out the the Farm House Paper Company and the ladies at Scrappin' in the City

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Camper remodel - Before

This project is turning into a real labor of love.  This cozy little camper is stealing my heart little by little.  I can't wait for our first trip.

Photo One is from the door as you enter.  The dash needs a repaint and the chair could use a cover, the finance says he will handle the driving area, so I am going to clean it and leave it.  I am thinking he is going to paint he dash black clean the seat.  Its a really comfy seat so I doubt he changes it.

Photo Two is the sitting/dining area.  We will set up our cooking area outside so I can do this up as a sitting area only.  Plus it converts to a bed for guest.  My niece, Zoe will make good use of that.  The fold down table is going to get a coat of paint or maybe some decoupage with help from Modge Podge and magazine covers or movie posters if I can find some cool old ones to use.

Photo Three is the closet and the sleeping area.  Well sort of the sleeping area.  I have the mattress sitting on top of the cabinets so I can clean and paint the platform it rests on.  The bed does not fold up and hide so it will need a pretty comforter and some nice pillows.  Plus we want to be comfy when we sleep.  Luckily the mattress is new, comfy to sleep on and double bed size.  Instead of a box spring it we use a futon mattress for extra support.  The old has to be replaced, its got issues.  The closet in the picture is roomier than it looks.  I am planning to paint all the paneling a buttermillk color and use red in the seams of the wood for a striped look.  

Photo Four is the closet and drawers.  All the cabinets are getting a coat of the buttermilk paint.  I am being more creative with the doors and drawer fronts.  Navy blue with white stars and a distressed finish is the plan.  I have room for two valances and I am looking for something Americana to add extra special accents.  I am excited to get this project moving.  We are planning the maiden voyage for September 19 to the 21st, 
Redneck Rumble here we come!

First step is using Kilz on all the paneling.  I will update y'all on my progress in a day or so!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hummingbirds in the Attic is born

I have wanted to start a blog about things I love about life and living.  Most of my interest are related to family and nesting.  I read several blogs, always with a twinge of "hey, I really want to do this too."  So here I am starting my plunge into a homestyle blog.  In the months I have been thinking about this I have been pondering the name.  The name is important, its how people find you and how they come to know you.  I have seen some wonderful blog names.  I even came up with about 50, most of which were already taken.  I am amazed at how large the blogger world has become.  I even found a few new ones to follow during my name search.  I wrote ideas on scraps of paper and prayed for the perfect name to drop in my lap.

Finally it came to me in the middle of the night, "Hummingbirds in the Attic."  Hummingbirds are a symbol of joy, joy is my favorite word.  I love everything old, worn, shabby, rusted, vintage, treasured, antique, heirloom, all these things you can find in an attic.  It seemed simple to put my joy and love together.  So its "Hummingbirds in the Attic."

Now I have a name so what's next?  Organization does not come natural to me so I have to work at keeping things in order.  Of course my dyslexic short attention span helps me dream up some creative stuff and I wouldn't change it for the world.  I got myself a little notebook I can take everywhere and my cell phone has a great camera.  I am making notes on all my ideas and snapping photos like a crazy person.  As soon as I figure out how to put them on my blog I will share, share and share.  For the mean time you can view my TUMBLR blog, "Hummingbirdsintheattic."

My first blog project is remodeling our camper.  We have a box van converted into a cozy little camper.  It has paneling and wood cabinets, brown carpet and cushions.  I want to jazz it up with some color and character.  I have run several themes through my mind, (and past my finance) finally to settle on Americana.  Jack loves all things auto, especially rat rods and fast cars.  I can incorporate that in with stars & stripes accents.  Using the red, white and blue theme will be charming.  As a bonus I have to supply the camper with the items we need without going overboard.  Storage is minimal.  Every space will have to be utilized and organized.  (There's that word again.)

If you have space saving tips and suggestions please comment, I need all the help I can get.

Until next time I wish you much joy and love!